paperchase: translation

paperchase pa‧per‧chase [ˈpeɪpəˌtʆeɪs ǁ -pər-] noun [countable usually singular] disapproving
1. an administrative process that takes more time and uses more documents than seem reasonable:

• It is possible to claim back the tax, but this involves something of a paperchase.

2. FINANCE an occasion when a company sells a lot of new shares to finance a series of takeovers; = WALLPAPER
3. a very careful search through a large amount of documents or books :

• It took a long paperchase through the archives to find the report.

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paperchase UK US /ˈpeɪpəˌtʃeɪs/ noun [C] UK
the act of doing a difficult or long search through many books, documents, etc.: »

The long paperchase through the statistical sources leads to two sets of conclusions.

a process that creates too many paper documents, forms, etc.: »

Banks and their customers are being driven mad by the paperchase of doing business.

Смотреть больше слов в «Financial and business terms»


Смотреть что такое PAPERCHASE в других словарях:


[`peɪpəʧeɪs]игра «заяц и собаки»


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paper-chase noun игра 'заяц и собаки', в которой убегающие оставляют за со-бой бумагу как след


сущ. игра "заяц и собаки" (в которой убегающие оставляют за собой бумагу как след)


игра 'заяц и собаки', в которой убегающие оставляют за собой бумагу как след


"погоня по бумажному следу" (то же, что hare and hounds)

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