edutainment ed‧u‧tain‧ment [ˌedjʊˈteɪnmənt ǁ ˌedʒə-] noun [uncountable] MARKETING
the process of educating and entertaining people at the same time:

• The edutainment program, designed for kids up to five, will teach them about the inner workings of a computer.

— edutain verb [intransitive, transitive] :

• Microsoft feels that it has a mission to edutain.

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edutainment UK US /ˌedjʊˈteɪnmənt/ noun [U]
the process of entertaining people at the same time as you are teaching them something, and the products, such as television programmes or software, that do this: »

The market for edutainment software is growing at about 30% a year.

edutain verb [I or T]

This new programme is designed to edutain kids, making sure they get the message about healthy food choices.

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